Mamía. Beloved flavours

Brand identity / Packaging redesign (Created for the Master’s subject “Mass consumption design“ )

Brand and packaging redesign for the spanish canned food brand “Mamía”, a familiar business which offers the traditional homemade recipes to an affordable price.

It’s brand identity however had never been stablished so it was not consistent.

Before After

To improve it’s visibility on the linear, the logotype was simplified converting it to a plate that emulated a traditional dish, as it’s original figure was too complex and wasn’t visible from far away.

The same color was used to mantain coherence with it’s original design and the slogan was incorporated to make sure it was always present.

A jerarquized structure and color palette was also stablished to make it’s identification easier for users mantaining a white area on top that brings attention to the logotype and the product’s flavour and an image on the lower part that showcases what’s inside.



